Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sex Laws

Throughout this blog I want to include various tid bits of knowledge that will astound and amaze you. 

Here are a couple of laws that refer to all of our favorite subject!!!


      1.  In the Middle Ages, the Catholic church enforced three years' penance for any couple who...

      2.  In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband...

      3.  In Indiana, it is illegal for a man to wear a mustache if...


      1.  ...had sex with a woman on top.

      2.  ...with her bare hands.

      3.  ...he has a habitual tendency to kiss other humans.

These are just a couple of laws that are out there. 

If you would like to see what other crazy laws are out there you can check the blog regularly or you can get the them for yourself.  I found them in the the wonderful game SEX ON THE BRAIN  the GAME OF SEX FACT AND SEX FICTION.

I would love your feedback.

Thanks Shannon

Monday, March 21, 2011

Igniting Your Passion


Passion is defined as an intense feeling or emotion for someone or something.

     In the beginning of our relationships we are full of passion and desire for the other person.  We hope that the relationship will blossom and develop into the most important fulfilling relationship we will ever have.  Unfortunately over time we become busy and distracted from the relationship and tend to loose the passion we once had.  I would like to help you find that passion in your relationship again.

     Throughout this blog I will be giving you ways to help reignite your passion.  You will find definitions, the history behind sex and relationships, recipes, various toys and helpful hints.  

If you have any questions or responses please feel free to share.  I will do my best to answer.    

Always remember:

"True love is like the sun...  It burns forever, but Passion is like a fire... If left unattended it goes out"